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Alexander Nix 

Alexander James Ashburner Nix (born 1 May 1975) is a British businessman, the former CEO of Cambridge Analytica[1] and a former director of the Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) Group,[2] a behavioural research and strategic communications consultancy, leading its elections division (SCL Elections). Cambridge Analytica and its parent SCL were involved in psychological warfare operations for the British military and involved in influencing hundreds of elections globally; Cambridge Analytica helped Leave.EU with its Brexit campaign, according to both Leave.EU and Cambridge Analytica staff. The company was also engaged by the Ted Cruz and Donald Trump campaigns during the 2016 US presidential election. The company also ran Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta's campaign.[3]

Just watching “The Great Hack” you’ll be able to manage my digital footprint and I dare say you’ve predicted the outcome already and was the one seeking to deviate my crusade, plausible if not accurate.


Cambridge Analytica is the scapegoat the documentary the conviction that it was the company and all that has gone away with its demise. 


But it hasn’t Alex for we both know due to your acknowledgment and silence you understand the implications of the trauma and the nervous system damage and how the Trump administration has leverage due to secrets on the democrats 


Short time loss … long term gain.


The fake news committee was a fake inquiry. 


Alex, what have you done. 


On 31 Mar 2022, at 07:47, Damian Langiano <> wrote:

Dear Alexander ….. 


I hope this finds you well and you’ve calmed down after the “mis-information” regarding the phone hack - see attached pictures of open and then blocked WhatsApp and blue tick comms 


As I stated, one must wonder what you have to hide on that device and who you’re hiding it with / from 


Now, as I see it and as detailed in our exchanges my approach both previously has always been supportive and understanding of the issues you had faced and how you could repair and reconcile the “inadvertent” issues you’d created. 


As we can see from the WhatsApp log you recognise the problem and offered to help … 


With the mental health of some 500m children on the line one must enquire as to what you would consider more “important” than their nervous system stability and internal composition of a slave bound existence. 


I’ve added Richard Grannon’s expert analysis and Mrs Adams broader perspective to substantiate my allegations of a crime against humanity. 


Now given you’ve previous and the narcissist needing a scape goat … your position of being the man who “broke the internet” does present the argument for you to be the fall guy once again and to be very frank with you. It very much does work for me and my next step, however I remain convinced you are the best man for our job and for that reason you get one more chance, one no man on this earth would afford you and one only a higher divinity would “do so”


Please note your worst nightmares reside in my soul so please be advised to consider your next step as I am here to protect the children and global population your dis-information has exposed and your face on a wanted poster as said scapegoat will be the salvation of every narcissist responsible. 


Enjoy your coffee, we’ve an imaginary algorithm to blame….and not the victims your actions and the subsequent digital ripples have traumatised. 




Gemini Adams 

When. We have a media that stops pitting people against each other for no good reason, other than it activates our dopamine centers like a drug and helps them sell “advertising” space - as click throughs, to products we rarely need.

When we have leaders who understand that skin colour and gender are rarely the root issue of the core relational problems we endure, but rather the underlying trauma responses that run amock inside our being, dictating our stress, survive or (inability) to thrive response; having us react, rather than respond to every single thing in our lives, stealing our ability to co-create peace and unity.

When we have a world that stops “getting-off” on the misfortune of others, resulting in countless (often wasted) hours of scrolling, consuming, debating and gossiping, rather then collectively looking at how an event mirrors our own unprocessed pain, and recognising that we are in projection, and need the help of others to heal.

When our leaders acknowledge that “education” should not be focused entirely on learning facts that can easily be attained via Google, but that the system could indeed provide us with the essential life-skills our parents were unable to teach us - such as emotional regulation and authentic, non-violent communication - which they also did not learn from their traumatized parents, then we can co-create compassionate curiosity and deep understanding for each other’s pain and “bad” behaviours. and create a new reality.

When we listen to those who fully understand the life-long, multi-generational impact of trauma, we will better comprehend the enormity of the task ahead, in order to achieve the “season of healing” that is required of humanity, right now.

As Dr. Melissa DeBose Hankins, a psychiatrist, writes of the most remembered moment of these Oscars…

This altercation between Rock and Smith is what the result of unresolved trauma looks like.

What many of us witnessed during last night’s Academy Award ceremony between Will Smith and Chris Rock was a TRAUMA RESPONSE.  

While I am in no way condoning violence, I think this is a very public and very important opportunity for us to all understand what a trauma response can look like.

A trauma response can take many forms (some surprising) and look like:

Slapping someone for saying “the wrong” thing

Yelling at someone for not doing something “fast enough” or “up to your standards”

Avoiding or not responding to a boss’s emails about scheduling an upcoming performance review

“Having to” do everything “perfectly,” otherwise you feel anxious or unsettled in some way

Yelling at staff or throwing things around your office or OR when you feel frustrated or have a bad outcome at work

Not setting boundaries around your time and energy because you’re worried about confrontation and upsetting the other person 

Working endless hours without taking time for yourself or the things and people you enjoy because your job is your primary source and measure of your own self-worth and value 

When a person has experienced trauma (“Big T” trauma or “Little t”trauma) from their childhood (or, their adulthood), the brain and body store that traumatic memory in ways such that aspects of that memory can be re-activated by present-day interactions and situations.  

When this happens, the person experiencing this re-activation is split-second processing (on a subconscious or unconscious level) the current event through the filter of that past trauma.  This means that that person is, for all meaningful purposes, experiencing things as if they are right back in that previous circumstance of trauma.  As a result, they are reacting (taking action)—emotionally, physically, and/or verbally—from that place of trauma.

Those past traumas can be diverse and range from:

Witnessing a parent being physically or verbally abused during your childhood

You, yourself, experiencing physical, sexual, or verbal abuse in your childhood or adulthood

Experiencing emotional abuse or neglect as a child 

Being harshly reprimanded (this could include being spoken to by someones with an angry tone and demeanor) or shamed by others as a child for not doing a task “the right way” or not doing it “well enough”

Being told (and, perhaps, punished) as a child by an adult caregiver that it’s not polite and/or not acceptable to say “No” when an adult tells you to do something (including getting hugs from relatives, being made to attend events with your parents even when it’s clear your parents really didn’t want to go)

Being called out by a teacher in front of the class for having the wrong answer and feeling embarrassment and shame

While some of the above may be horrific, and other things may seem inconsequential, depending on the age of occurrence, the emotional, mental, and physical resources that person had at that age, as well as any prior traumas could determine the extent to which that person experienced trauma.  A 2 year-old accidentally wandering into a closet with a door that shuts behind them that they can’t easily open, plunging them alone in darkness for 15 minutes before someone finds them is a far different experience than that of an adult in the same predicament.

In the case of Will Smith, he detailed in his autobiographical book, “Will,” that he witnessed trauma as a child in the form of violence at home.  In his book he writes:

“When I was nine years old, I watched my father punch my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed,” he wrote. “I saw her spit blood. That moment in that bedroom, probably more than any other moment in my life, has defined who I am.”

“Within everything that I have done since then — the awards and accolades, the spotlights and attention, the characters and the laughs — there has been a subtle string of apologies to my mother for my inaction that day. For failing her in the moment. For failing to stand up to my father. For being a coward.”

So, while the “joke” Chris Rock said was about Will’s wife, the fact that she was being targeted in combination with the look on her face (signaling to Will her level of upset and distress about what was said), triggered a split-second accessing of (and instantly being placed inside of that) memory to an earlier time when he was 9yo and wasn’t able to protect his mom (the woman he loved).  

Will’s reaction last night was that of that 9yo traumatized little boy who simply reacted in the way that 9yo boy wanted to react back then.

Does having a history of trauma (big or little) give a “free pass” for the present-day trauma reactions that involve the harming (physically, verbally, or emotionally) of another?  No, of course not.

However, it does highlight the extreme importance of understanding trauma and it’s many manifestations, and addressing it with effective trauma-informed approaches that address the emotional, physical (because we hold emotions in our body), and mental aspects of trauma.  

Hopefully, rather than simply vilify Will, and say he has “an anger problem,” people close to him can help him recognize that this is “A TRAUMA PROBLEM,” and help him get the trauma-informed help in the form of therapy in combination with modalities as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, or “tapping”), EMDR, or other somatic modalities that can effectively and efficiently release the traumatized aspects held in his memory and body.  

Once his trauma and his emotions are no longer dictating his actions, he could have a much more measured and effective response to situations such as that that occurred at last night awards ceremony.

My further hope is that if anyone reading this finds that they are stuck in patterns of extreme reaction (such as Will experienced), or even less severe reactions, but you recognize are getting in the way of you living life the way you really want, please consider getting trauma-informed support.

Even if you’ve not experienced “Big T” trauma, ALL of us have experienced various “little T” traumas that have impacted each of us in various ways personally and/or professionally—some with mild behaviors and impacts, some not so mild.  

As physicians, we are masterful at suppressing so many of our emotions, and the thoughts and memories associated with them.  However, trauma has a way of impacting us in great big obvious ways (as we saw with Will Smith), and not such obvious ways (perfectionism, workaholism, lack of boundaries).  

I’m not suggesting any of us go unearthing swaths of past trauma (please don’t do this unless you are working with a trauma-informed individual).  

Simply be aware that it may be impacting you in ways you recognize and have yet to address, or in ways you never quite thought of as being associated with trauma.  And, if needed, allow yourself to get the support you need by working with a trauma-informed therapist, trauma-informed coach, or other trauma-informed practitioner/modality.

Plus this 



Confirms your position, as you confirmed verbally and correctly so, the best man to do this. 


You’ve nothing to lose … no one does, only everything to gain 


Best wishes 




Last seen 17.17


Yes, 1717 is an Angel Number and seeing it a favourable omen that indicates that you may be on the path to achieving your goals. Angel number 1717 tells you that you have an essential life and soul mission to complete.


[23/01/2020, 14:25:57] Alexander  Nix: ‎Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them.
[23/01/2020, 14:25:57] Damian: Hi Alex
[23/01/2020, 14:26:13] Damian: I hope this finds you well.
[23/01/2020, 14:26:43] Damian: I got a platform.....
[23/01/2020, 16:21:07] Alexander  Nix: Apologies, who is this please?
[23/01/2020, 16:21:41] Damian: It’s Damian (streaming for change)
[23/01/2020, 16:22:47] Alexander  Nix: Damian?
[23/01/2020, 16:23:30] Damian: We discussed my idea for streaming platform directing revenues to humanitarian causes
[23/01/2020, 16:23:33] Damian: Netflix
[23/01/2020, 16:24:07] Alexander  Nix: How’s it going?
[23/01/2020, 16:24:13] Damian: Very very well
[23/01/2020, 16:24:22] Damian: Hence I’m back.
[23/01/2020, 16:25:04] Alexander  Nix: How can I help
[23/01/2020, 17:43:20] Damian: I’ll drop you an email tomorrow.  Thank you and enjoy your evening.
[15/02/2020, 10:32:03] Damian: Alwxander. 

I hope this finds you well. I can now add Rio Ferdinand and Usain Bolt to my partners at WardWiz with others targeted. 

I AM going to deliver everything and beyond in the plan and remain convinced you are the person to orchestrate the information flow and how our positive - transparent and inclusive energy should be delivered to the online community. 

Have a great weekend 

I look forward to speaking to you. 

[15/02/2020, 10:46:59] Alexander  Nix: Hi Damian, how about a call on Monday morning at 9am gmt?
[15/02/2020, 10:48:32] Damian: Brilliant speak then
[17/02/2020, 07:44:21] Damian: Morning. Can we push back an hour. Just need to sort something this. Thanks.
[17/02/2020, 08:58:04] Alexander  Nix: I’m sorry Damian, I have a very busy day. We can try and find a time later in the week/next week. Alexander
[17/02/2020, 09:10:28] Damian: The apology is mine. I was driving back from the coast and was delayed in being able to get the car. I’m stationary now if there’s still time. If not, then as your diary allows. Have a great day. Damian
[07/04/2020, 13:33:16] Damian: Good afternoon Sir. 

I hope this finds you well.
[07/04/2020, 13:48:55] Damian: I’ve been calling out Vodafone / EE and Damian Collins ref my mobile phone security package, the 1B handsets at risk and the children under locked down surfing the web without protection. 

Now given you elected Trump and his ethos mirrors mine and THE PROTECTION of children and you sir, you have unfinished business - I’ve set out a chess game that your talent - and let me remind you - only you can do this. I’d be honoured to show you the pieces and confirm your assessment that those at the top table aren’t who they appear. 

YouTube Damian Langiano. 

Damian Collins has ignored me.
[07/04/2020, 13:49:09] Damian: Nick Jefferys blocked me. Vodafone CEO
[07/04/2020, 13:49:56] Damian: And Marc Allen I await the same fate.  

Our children’s lives are at risk. 

The protection of them is what we share 

[09/04/2020, 10:21:26] Damian:
[09/04/2020, 10:21:49] Damian: You gonna be a victim this time ?
[09/05/2020, 19:47:18] Damian: Alexander 
I hope you’re well and life is good. 

Not sure if I owe you any apology or not but the last few weeks of awakening have been accelerated beyond belief. 

I have a platform of 90m viewers and world wanting trust truth change and transparency. 

I’ve an entry level engagement tool ( see attached ) and a world preying on kids. Kids the government didn’t protect and I’ve called them out on that on a number of things. 

Ideally I want to take this shit show over by uniting the people and if we use the online protection and bring the masses we will have millions in funding to achieve something that was thought lost - a true representation of the people achieved by using the very tool that was deemed the demise of democracy. 

Have a look at the enclosed and let me know if we the people can employ your expertise. 

‎[09/05/2020, 19:47:36] Damian: EYESONU2020INFODOC.pdf • ‎5 pages ‎document omitted
[09/05/2020, 19:49:09] Damian: Been kicking the shit out of Damian Collins and I’ve him banged to right on the exposure of kids online.
[09/05/2020, 19:49:19] Damian: Every dog has his day !
[10/05/2020, 18:38:36] Alexander  Nix: Thanks for the update Damian, I think it is a very worthy cause that needs a louder voice
[10/05/2020, 18:38:55] Damian: That’s a positive feedback
[10/05/2020, 18:39:39] Damian: I see as far more reaching than that.
[11/05/2020, 10:09:49] Damian: Alex. 

There was a question attached to the bottom.  

“Can we employ your expertise”?
[11/05/2020, 13:48:10] Alexander  Nix: Thank you for the opportunity however at this time I am just too committed on other projects to be able to explore this with you. If in the future I have more capacity I would be interested to lean more...
[11/05/2020, 13:50:38] Damian: Thank you and I appreciate your position as of now....
[23/07/2020, 10:30:22] Damian: Morning. 

I’m going to take the liberty of emailing you again. 

I’m blown away by the web and it’s inhabitants. 

Will explain. 

I trust your well. 

‎[25/03/2022, 10:46:20] Damian: filmontv.pdf • ‎28 pages ‎document omitted
[25/03/2022, 10:46:50] Damian: I’ve got that playform we discussed.
[25/03/2022, 10:47:09] Damian: I’ve emailed it so look forward to speaking in due course.
[25/03/2022, 14:53:01] Damian: ‎You deleted this message.
[25/03/2022, 15:10:19] Damian: ‎You deleted this message.
‎[25/03/2022, 15:45:41] Damian: ‎audio omitted
[26/03/2022, 12:47:13] Damian:
‎[26/03/2022, 17:16:02] Damian: ‎video omitted
[26/03/2022, 17:16:23] Damian: That’s on my telegram channel
[26/03/2022, 17:16:23] Damian: What a plan for the wronged men 🤜🏻🤛🏽♥️
[26/03/2022, 17:45:27] Damian: Now he who owns the media owns the TRUTH… and it seems to me that the UK should be the epicentre of digital authenticity and if you’re as bright as I might think you are we are the ones to deliver that to the UK gov .. the same ones who were blackmailed into doing so.  

This is redemption - and the restoration of your reputation and something I recall telling you. 

Get me into no 10 for the conversation because the shit storm ahead is complex ptsd for the western world and then you’ll see armageddon …. now the batons in you hand once more. 

The man is on your side … don’t fail him and his children.
‎[27/03/2022, 11:14:05] Damian: ‎image omitted
[27/03/2022, 11:14:52] Damian: No amount of Hollywood purchases and Russian blame will hide the reality of the abuse inflicted through fake news. It’s CPTSD and it’s brutal.
‎[27/03/2022, 12:11:58] Damian: ‎image omitted
‎[27/03/2022, 12:12:04] Damian: ‎image omitted
[27/03/2022, 12:13:12] Damian: 12.12 Lisa Stardust says is related to idealism and an idea that through our hard efforts, we can bring change.
[27/03/2022, 12:13:41] Damian: They don’t leave their arm chair for my plan … 

No10 Alex
‎[27/03/2022, 12:18:56] Damian: ‎image omitted
[27/03/2022, 12:19:57] Damian: Imagine me and you aligned. I’ve done a video. There’s a deal at 33% but I want London at the heart of it all. Hollywood can’t be trusted.
[27/03/2022, 12:20:47] Damian: And I’ll protect you all from the 13000 image threat. My footprint saves everyone. For I am the truth bringer and you know that to be TRUE
‎[27/03/2022, 12:28:23] Damian: ‎image omitted
[27/03/2022, 12:28:30] Damian: You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
‎[27/03/2022, 12:33:59] Damian: ‎image omitted
[27/03/2022, 12:34:13] Damian: Everyone is connected 🤷🏽‍♂️
[27/03/2022, 12:34:40] Damian: Can we stop messing about and let me do what we need to do.
[27/03/2022, 12:53:53] Damian: Ok … now you’ve confirmed receipt after already shadow watching … I take pics of everything and digital timeline raises questions. 

We have a plan that makes a trillion for Humanity which you have and are qualified to execute. 

“Failure to act” aligned to “Culpable responsibility” would constitute your second crime against humanity under article 7 

However I don’t want to traumatise the world any more 

I am going to deliver as I’ve shown you and we can blame GOLIATH the algorithm as the movie preordained 

The irony is you’ve been embedding phone with fake you can’t even recognise the truth when you’re staring at it
‎[27/03/2022, 19:53:55] Damian: ‎audio omitted
[27/03/2022, 19:54:06] Damian: Don’t open !
[27/03/2022, 19:54:55] Damian: Now listen
[27/03/2022, 19:56:08] Damian: I see you !!! 

Not you Nix’ie the guy that’s reading the messages between us before you get to them. 

Hahaha busted !
‎[27/03/2022, 19:56:28] Damian: ‎image omitted

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