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Open Demoracy

is an independent international media platform. We produce high-quality journalism which challenges power, inspires change and builds leadership among groups underrepresented in the media. Headquartered in London, we have team members across four continents.

We are a mission-focused organisation, which means we always think about the impact our journalism can have. Our investigative journalism has triggered legal changes, parliamentary probes, lawsuits and criminal investigations and we also offer a rich diversity of stories and perspectives from across the world. We help voices otherwise excluded from the media to reach larger audiences, and we campaign on key stories, pushing for a more open, democratic and egalitarian world.


Dear Mr Hilder

I hope this finds you well and life is one of truth and authenticity 


I am the editor of and my digital footprint will explode the data market and those who have been at the centre of it harvesting it for the use of manipulating and to create a trauma bond of co-dependency through fear and emotional dis regulation. 


The individual attacks on civilians fall under both the Nuremberg Code and Statute of Rome (Article7) and your documentary alongside my work proves unequivocally to be the case as does Mr Richard Grannon


As his underlining of his expertise shows and Harvard university confirms


As you can see there are many desperate symptoms and as a sufferer myself I can confirm two things, the depth of the trauma and the demand for the TRUTH is the antidote for its impact.


And for that I have a plan that delivers 100B a year and will set forth a brand new internet variant capable of delivering the transparency a globally impacted population will need to embark upon recovery. 


You will find all and everything on my Instagram Facebook and my telegram channel and I believe you’ll understand my need to boundary and post these contents so as to protect myself on all levels. 


I have as you can see added what I believe to be Mrs Calwalladr to the thread as her work was and remains remarkable. 


I look forward to expanding upon this with you. 




Damian Langiano


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