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Your email to the ICO - Case Reference IC-207779-V9W3

FromicocaseworkDateTue 16:31

Message Body



20 December 2022 

Case Reference: IC-207779-V9W3 

Dear D Langiano  

Thank you for your email. It is unclear from your email how you would like the ICO to help in this case. Is there anything we can advise on?

Yours sincerely,

Hannah Jones 
Lead Case Officer 
Information Commissioner's Office

Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
T. 0303 123 1113  
Please consider the environment before printing this email

For information about what we do with personal data see our privacy notice at

------------------- Original Message -------------------

External: This email originated outside the ICO.

My concerns go way above your presentation and the ICO's response to the implications embodied within the previous are noted and recorded. 

The digital footprint is an indelible walk and we are grateful for departments clarification. 

Damian and The Children of the World


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Fax: 01625 524510.


Case Reference IC-207779-V9W3

Hannah Jones 
Lead Case Officer 
Information Commissioner's Office

21st December 2022


Dear Mrs Jones,

Thank you for the invitation to clarify my request and concerns regarding the data mis-management and theft of, compounded by the us of and against the declaration of trust those targeted are now medically proven to be victims of.

Your email to the ICO - Case Reference IC-207779-V9W3





Tue 16:31

Message Body

20 December 2022 

Case Reference: IC-207779-V9W3 

Dear D Langiano  

Thank you for your email. It is unclear from your email how you would like the ICO to help in this case. Is there anything we can advise on?

Yours sincerely,

Hannah Jones 
Lead Case Officer 
Information Commissioner's Office.


Whilst the issue we are to discuss has a number of perceived moving parts, the reality is that the quantum field connects us all and while it maybe argued that the “I ACCEPT” button is in place under the GDPR and GDPR-K regulations, the department I am speaking to, stated for the reason that I am not in anyway singling you out, simply interfacing so as to convey the information I hold that requires bring forth onto the global “screen”, has itself qualified the leverage used by those entrusted with our digital DNA.

You responded without reading the small print = i.e. the 133 page document taking Molly Russell from suicide to MURDER and all the implications surrounding data theft, contextual targeting, experiential marketing and positive feedback loops to mention a few.

And please note, that is an expected response, you are not in anyway shape or form different from those I have campaigned, for with and against and those 125 or so, also prove out the depth of issue I am exposing, explaining, and bringing forth a solution to and in the process of doing so I will qualify a number of crimes and the individuals, departments and governing bodies, who have “failed to act” on multiple occasions and who’s dereliction of duty has impacted upon this countries population in a manner so affecting the nervous system and the ganglia dopamine function.

  • Dopamine has long been recognized to be a key neuromodulator of basal ganglia function, essential for normal motor activity. The recent years have witnessed significant advances in our knowledge of dopamine function in the basal ganglia.

               How does chronic inflammation affect basal ganglia and dopamine function?

  • However, chronic inflammation and exposure to inflammatory cytokines appears to lead to persisting alterations in the basal ganglia and dopamine function reflected by anhedonia, fatigue, and psychomotor slowing.

What are the implications of over exposure and the breakdown of nerve cells

  • Dopamine is a chemical that plays an important role in movement and coordination. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder that develops due to the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain that control movement. Normally, dopamine and other neurotransmitters work together to help coordinate movement.


“I feel tremendous guilt,” admitted Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, to an audience of Stanford students. He was responding to a question about his involvement in exploiting consumer behaviour. “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works,” he explained. In Palihapitiya’s talk, he highlighted something most of us know but few really appreciate: smartphones and the social media platforms they support are turning us into bona fide addicts. While it’s easy to dismiss this claim as hyperbole, platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram leverage the very same neural circuitry used by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products as much as possible.


Now, given your departments responsibility to "uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals"…..shall we afford you the opportunity for you and your team to digest the information within the “Statement of TRUTH” and in the mean time introduce me to Commissioner John Edwards so we can discuss the multiple crimes that sit under the Statute of Rome and those in positions directly responsible who have on multiple occasions “failed to act”

A failure to act definition is when a person or party has a duty to perform a certain act but does not end up doing so. A duty to act, within the scope of personal injury law or tort cases, generally refers to one of two things: People have a duty to act in a manner as to not cause direct harm to others.

Mr Damian Langiano

15 August 2022

Our Ref: Department of Culture Media and Sport


Dear Mr Langiano,

Thank you for your further correspondence of 4 August to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, regarding children’s safety online. I am responding as a member of the Ministerial Support Team. Whilst I note your ongoing concerns about this policy area, the position remains as set out in our previous reply to you of 18 May. I should also advise that if you continue to write to the department again on this subject but do not raise any new issues, your letter will be logged

but may not receive a reply.

Yours sincerely,


Ministerial Support Team



From a tech point of view our focus has been about ensuring that children in our Co-op Academies (& some local communities), regardless of their background, have access to a technology device so that they can continue learning from home. There's many that don't have access to a device and so were being unfairly disadvantaged through no fault of their own. And so, whilst there's real merit in the work you're looking at around security/ safety, this isn't something we're focussed on and so not something we'd be in a position to progress conversations on.

I wish you the very best in your work to take this forward.




What we can conclude at this stage is the inability for those entrusted to understand the implications of the data being harvested (legally or illegally) and “purified “so as to individually target via the “super computer” and its casino grade “algorithms” each recipient (child, adult and or otherwise) detailed through Harvard & Stanford University, Tristan Harris and Dr S. L Dewey  and I formally request that your department recognise my expertise surrounding the impact and the qualification that the co-dependency coerced through the positive feed back loops leads to Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I await you confirmation of receipt and convey my appreciation of the difficulty in digesting this information and the potential effect.




Damian and The CHILDREN of the world.


To:, "Wanless, Peter" <>, Gary Conner <>, Lars Sylvest <>, Fergus McKenna <>, "Steve Murrells (Coop CEO)" <>,, Nick Kerry <>, School Office <>,, OLIVER BRADY <>,, Alexander Nix <>,, Graham Burns <>, "Chairman (ManKind Initiative)" <>,, Richard Grannon <>, Leon Clarance <>, Jake Seal <>,, Carly Asher Yoost <>, Reed Hastings <>,, sherrod knox <>, Janet Conner-Knox <>, Ted Kapustin <>, Children Of The Digita Age <>,, Huw Newton-Hill <>,, Kristen Randol <>,, Jim <>,, Andrew Marks <>,, Gareth Icke <>,, Chris Gankerseer <>,, Simon Dolan <>,, Tony Ruth <>, Ann Vandersteel <>, "Nicholas Veniamin (NVTV)" <>,, "TRUSS, Elizabeth" <>, Richard Grannon <>, Correspondence Team <>, Clay Clark <>,, Hal Pollock <>,, Damian Langiano <>, Rachel Finch <>, Raluca Boghez <>, David Meltzer <>,, Enquiries <>,, Elena Cardone <>, Garry Bushell <>,, Tara Dean <>, Mark Vescio <>, James Mark <>,, Johnny Kessler <>,,,, Fergus McKenna <>, Tara Jane <>,, Dennis Rice <>,, Karolina Fedorcio <>,, "O.U.R. Info" <>,, David Vann <>, David Leedham <>, Chip Somers <>, Radical - from Maajid Nawaz <>,, mike yeadon <>,, OPCC Reviews Kent <>,, pong yipp6 <>,, Info <>, INFO <>, Info <>, Info <>, Andrew Bailey <>, Antoniod <>, Company Secretary <>, Contactus <>, Randy Gelber <>, Business <>, Doarcustomerservice <>, Press <>, Duty Press <>, PRESS <>, Press <>, Chamath <>, John Brennan <>, Service <>, Rgiuliani <>, Cbenson <>, Helen Lamprell <>, Hello <>, Admin <>, Loreoftheland <>, Enquiries <>, Dsasaki <>, ADH1 <>, Sara <>, Complaint Info <>, Vmsocial <>, "Scott.j Harris" <>, Rachel <>,, Lfink <>, Jadepa <>, Info <>, Feedback <>,






I hope this festive week finds you all well, 


Given the massive exposure to our children that as a collective you have all overlooked and its impact upon them presented within the ICO document along with the recent Molly Russell Inquiry document received by Andrew Walker KC ..... I actually went there personally to confirm, they don't normally let anyone in but hey, deliveroo has its benefits Caroline Hazelhurst, .......with all the information to hand I am formally inviting you to support this unique campaign constructed and outlined on the link above. 


I have put a 10k figure on it, but given we have a trillion dollars on this feed and the severity of the situation..... and one must remind you that you are ALL digitally proven as being party too, this is that moment of definition, or for those of you "all individually beautiful and on a different path" or for those "not of this world" and even those employed by the government and unable to spot a decent time to buy.......


Then this is the planets colliding, paths crossing and purchase order time Darren. 


The pictures enclosed below, are proof of my detailed work with Harvard University, "Loz" being the President, "Big Vic" of The Bilderberg Group, Goldman and The World Economic Forum, and Lin Wood or "Woody" as I call him, with me being "BUZZ" out on the edges of infinity and together under universal and karmic law ....connecting the photons and rounding up the gang.


Failure to Act Definition | UpCounsel 2022




Make it rain ladies and gentlemen because....................... "What we do in life echoes in eternity"  and humanity depends on the outcome.


Arms out wide................. "are you not entertained"


Guy, (Ritchie) I promised you a 21st Century here's the sequel.....................DONALD TRUMP LETTER | Mysite (




Spits on the ground ............fade to black 


The Children of the World and the fella ordained to protect them. 


Spotify – Prisoner (Love Theme from, "The Eyes of Laura Mars") - song and lyrics by Barbra Streisand

Scott, Damian


I hope this email finds you well, 


One assumes that you might recall me from the outreach on LinkedIN 


Now, before you panic and block me again, I come in peace, the truth and choices made by all involved are not mine to judge, although judged they will be. 


The enclosed document is the collective, get out of jail ... free, well for $7.99 a month and they do so sitting down. 


The last two pages are the universe and GOD speaking through me, for it matters not what your belief in quantum entanglement, computing, physics and our connection is eternal and universal in both law and karma.


What am I?


I'm the photon, at the other end of the universe and right now as you read this, I'm the voice that will never leave, every decision you've ever made and everyone you ever will.


So, let's get together at BlackRock, before David Soloman and I do this at Goldman and you'll be the guy that turned a misunderstanding into a choice and for that the statute of Rome and eternal damnation from one's own regret awaits.


Scott, trust me, we all had to get here, to this very moment ......for lessons are learned, never taught. 


My works in with, well you saw yesterday, so let's jump on this and steal the march on everyone and at least provide purpose for all of those now, on a slow walk to suicide or more accurately being MURDERED over time. 


Get me on here, or and bring forth a place of the truth. 


Damian and The Children of the World 




Wow, David Solomon............... what an epic remix, brought back memories of my fiancé and I, running the dance floors.


There are a couple of reasons for reaching out, firstly to share a couple of tracks with you.


Spotify – God's Creation (Extended Version)  I’d be very interested in collaborating with you for a Remix with 100% of the money going to humanitarian impact causes, focusing on addiction caused through dopamine and the positive feedback loops created consciously as follows


“I feel tremendous guilt,” admitted Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, to an audience of Stanford students. He was responding to a question about his involvement in exploiting consumer behavior. “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works,” he explained. In Palihapitiya’s talk, he highlighted something most of us know but few really appreciate: smartphones and the social media platforms they support are turning us into bona fide addicts. While it’s easy to dismiss this claim as hyperbole, platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram leverage the very same neural circuitry used by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products as much as possible. 


The second I only hold as linked due to the loss of data and recordings being taken from be as I battle Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,


It’s with sadness that I recall the above moments as I watched dopamine ravage us into silence and distance, lost in the loops of algorithmic decision making used and beautifully described by Barbara, Barbra Streisand: Prisoner - YouTube


As the device and its addiction eclipses all and every other torment bestowed to escape the world creating the very reason billions are staring.




I have a solution for the above and those supporting this wonderful vision, proven and turnkey, standard marked in 142 countries and signed under the Madrid Treaty, 5% engagement, 1140 minutes of digital content $29Bn $29,000,000,000 revenue stream and I can up tick all and every investment Goldman holds and bring together the corporate market and humanity.


My work, is with Harvard, Stanford, your company consultants, the world economic forum and the Bilderberg Group. BlackRock and the US, UK and Russian Governments.


Brother, lets go “back 2 back” and drop ELIZA the paradigm of the TRUTH.


 V. Halberstadt Give Victor a buzz, he’s got all the numbers and the forty read receipts tell me he’s interested and you’re the man to speak too.




Damian and The Children of the World

I'm in with BlackRock now and David Solomon ...

The read receipts pile up and one has to be honest enough to believe in the process, however lets use this headline from Boston News attached. 

Whatever is happening, no one gets away, they didn't even have the internet back then or the digital footprint we do. 

Crowdfunding to bring to light the TRUTH about the death of MOLLY RUSSELL and request a new inquiry given the silence from all parties involved. on JustGiving

Maybe we can put some of that $500M to good use Larry, 


The "neuro pathway continues".......




-------- Original Message --------

Subject:Re: Read: Re: Read: Re: Read: CAFFEINE

Date:22/12/2022 13:16

From:Damian Langiano <>

To:Andrew Huberman <>


Nice work with the heels, stand still and pressing forward .....

The issue we have Andrew, is that and all involved are seeking to slide people into a life path, but doing so in the very place that made them sick, thus they are to be even more conflicted than they were before all the confusing information was conveyed and done so to hide from the .....

“I feel tremendous guilt,” admitted Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, to an audience of Stanford students. He was responding to a question about his involvement in exploiting consumer behavior. “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works,” he explained. In Palihapitiya’s talk, he highlighted something most of us know but few really appreciate: smartphones and the social media platforms they support are turning us into bona fide addicts. While it’s easy to dismiss this claim as hyperbole, platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram leverage the very same neural circuitry used by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products as much as possible. 

This is "Don't look up" ............ America seeking to make a dollar in the transition ........... the attached offers a new paradigm, offers purpose, the truth and accountability, collective energy and from there your ethics and expertise can work, for in this manner you are cycling the addict in what Prof Sam Vaknin calls Co Idealisation .... as part of the dual mothership concept of the narcissistic relationship.

Which that too is bollox, and seeking to break down the fabric of inclusivity, empathy, compassion, togetherness and love, so as to hide the symptoms of the oncoming CPTSD and worse still Parkinson's.

Which was delivered in the chemtrails, pure conspiracy but hey ho, silence will have me thinking...


Yes!! Must have been in the chem trails.

Sorry I called it Substantia Ganglia! My dyslexia amalgamated the two. It’s the Substantia Nigra which is part of the basal Ganglia. 

SN controls body movement and is also responsible for chemical signalling which affects learning, mood, judgement (judging risks and rewards,) motivation, emotions and decision making! I know we already know about the dopamine feed back loops and reward system; it being the drive and judgment chemical.

The wave of PD will render us incapable of judgment and motor skills!

Which qualifies what Alki David has stated........... "The trick is to not be remembered"

Which brings this to depopulation and the powers that be seeking to deflect it back onto the population for Karmic purposes, however maybe the attack was some time ago and this is all a clean up operation and caring centred educational directive from the American Narc's and their Bavarian brothers ..........

Well, we know that's bullshit, so this is a control, kill, make money along the way................look like the Knight in Shinning armour. 


It's the only reason, I've not been welcomed through the door............ and that's MURDER


On 17/12/2022 13:02, Andrew Huberman wrote:

Your message

  To: Andrew Huberman
  Subject: Re: Read: Re: Read: CAFFEINE
  Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2022 3:50:05 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

was read on Saturday, December 17, 2022 5:02:49 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).


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