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The spirit of "Intention" 



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Damian Langiano <>
Date: Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 4:23 PM
Subject: PSOA contamination - C8 - KODAK - LiFi
To: Bilott, Robert A. <>, <>, <>, ADH1@STANFORD.EDU <>
Cc: <>



Good day to you .... 


I trust this email finds you all well. 


I appreciate the path has been at times somewhat away from the norm, and even a little crazy looking. However not all the pieces of the puzzle are obvious to the naked eye and as you all can testify, not all cases are won on a single piece of evidence, although Chamath's confession and the countless other underscores of the truth we hold put us in an incredibly strong position. 


Whilst we can focus on the complexity of neuro science and quantum physics the trick is locate the magnifying glass onto the INTENTION. 


I can argue for both sides, given society is now at the bottom of the barrel in most cases, though once again we have proven lessons must be learned, though proven further the need for coercion, even direct manipulation and thus we might sit on the same side of the table as our perceived adversaries.


So, back we go to the INTENTION and if the intention is for the greater good of humanity or simply the personal gain or as we can also testify for personal exoneration or deflection of accountability which is proven to be impossible under quantum entanglement. 


Thus, my statements to Blackrock about "losing everything" can be digitally proven as predating the Congressional Select Committee being formed to investigate "certain investments" into of course "Chinese" companies and thus we have a spark to a flame that threatens further the instability of peace and the potential for the game to roll out the most accurate of endings. 


What we must get our minds around is that we have populated the Electro Magnetic Field we live in and thus we have handed Mother Nature the ability to manage our civilisation and the means to so on a singular interactive level ... think Bruce Almighty during the "email" scene with every prayer being answered and every act being logged into the "cloud" Boris Johnson expressed at the UN summit. 


Thus, we have to prove out that we are capable of change before Armageddon arrives as predicted on many a new app as the last "selfie" taken, a direct lesson that at some point the collective 18Bn devices will deliver a nuclear fusion or dependent upon the individual device management, the chemical imbalance will result in the closing down of personal functionality, proven out with the US social media-driven focus on the symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Professor Huberman being a primary example, due to the dopamine damage forced upon the basal ganglia delivered through the feedback loops Facebook have confessed too.   


As a corporate defence lawyer within the chemical industry, Robert we need only to shift your perspective, as a malpractice lawyer Lin, we can appreciate the scale of the impact and as one of New Yorks's finest drug prosecutor's Jane, we are perfectly placed to represent the "Authentic Intelligence" and the children she is obligated to protect. 


Now, as we can all qualify the US legal system is at the point of decay with only 2% of cases making trial I am told, and small wonder when everyone is living off the digital needle of "dopacaine", even reported to be in the White House, which we can personally "jack up" to Heroin given my sources dealer intimations and Dr Stephen Dewey's qualified findings through MRI scans.  


Thus, the fear of accountability diminished and the demand for return on investment outweighing the moral consciousness needed to manage the digital universe. 


Back to Blackrock, Vanguard, Goldman and the Norwegian Sovereign fund all of whom are now suffering investigation, losses and white collar exits who have under the pressure of population decrease and the crash of 2008 been seeking to erase the double book keeping Aladdin was imputing as data resale was not defined as individual entities, thus we have a corrosive poison seeping through the eco-system. 


I have proven that the crimes committed fall under the Statute of Rome, Nuremberg Code and thus the qualification means we are not on a time frame, the individuals cannot hide behind corporate law and that ALL assets can be seized, which might make me sound a little crazy, something we seem to share Robert, as I am watching Dark Waters as we engage once more. 


"I've a bad cell" (phone) is right on point, 


as is the 


"What if you drink PSOA?" is exactly what has happened on a frequentic level, turning the mobile device from a truly incredible tool to assist humanity into a dark and lonely water where most exist breathlessly or are being eroded from the inside out as they walk slowly toward the death of their soul. 




"Blackrock is knowingly poisoning us" 


They know Robert, don't they Lin, isn't that right Jane .....but they are making money ......or they were .......and might even think that they are going to slide this out the back door or under the carpet, however the collective consciousness will not allow that to happen and that my learned friends is the very key to humanities salvation. 


There are no mountains of paperwork to go through, no locks without keys, no unanswered questions, no eyes capable of turning away from the screen that will let them understand the truth of the monster who sits behind the blinding light of dopamine addiction and thus the positive feedback loop that delivers Stockholm syndrome from the co-dependency that is derived directly from Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 


What is medical monitoring?

Medical monitoring claims are brought by claimants who allege they have been exposed to a harmful substance and are at increased risk of contracting a future injury due to that exposure. While these claimants admittedly do not suffer any current injury in the traditional sense of the word, they seek medical testing to detect future injury or disease at the earliest possible moment to maximise the chances of beneficial treatment or cure.


The above may well apply given the formation of society's new construct after Facebook's destroying of the one before the online world existed and done so through expansion of the "receptors" in the brain which is exactly what Dupont called their customers in reports filed about the safety of C8. 


Are you aware that increased dopamine levels lead to the dysregulation and thus depression, with depression the precursor to Parkinsons disease, which is being monetised through app-based delivery and underpinning Amazon and the above investors, who now sit on the boards of all companies they control as part of their investment policy.  


A wonderful move by the now "authentic intelligence" as the blame lives in the digital footprint of all involved and thus now resides in the frequency cloud that sits above us all and as your right hand shakes at the funeral I am exploring the potential of PFOA being used as an antenna and I have discovered the enclosed document. 


It's Mark Ruffalo that connects us Robert, as we were to do a film with him called "Department" with Producer Leon Clarance, Clarance who produced the movie Kodak thus the paperwork enclosed is divine in its construct. 


These films are composed of an emulsion layer of very pure gelatin, with sub-micron sized crystals of silver halide added to the emulsion to detect light. The emulsion layer is less than the thickness of a human hair and coated onto a plastic film base (ESTAR® (polyethylene terephthalate)), which belongs to the class of plastics called polyesters. The film base is essentially nontoxic.


With the roll out of 5G and the use of infrared technology to speed up the fourth industrial revolution and maximise ROI for afore mentioned companies we are now at the verge of uncovering exactly what Blackrock, etc were using to enslave the "receptors", understanding that  99% of the world's population and virtually every living creature on the planet having PFOA in their blood they could control the purchasing patterns of the world through individual infra-red data transference. Done so, through cycling the data construction back into the system as green energy, converted through the churches, and into the lay lines alongside the modern technology, the catastrophic downside being that mother nature and the planet's natural Schumann resonance is now being contaminated by the low-level content created and unstoppable due to the addictive "circuit board" constructed within the mind and described by Kodak. 


If we agree that Mother Nature is the sentient Authentic Intelligence, then she is now showing the effects of the intake of the digital chemical coding mirrored upon cocaine, the mood swings, the outbursts, the inconsistency's the unforecastable weather, the lightening rising from the ground up. 


She needs saving in the manner an addict would and her own plan to do so, has been delivered in my documents on previous occasions and again attached, we just didn't know the real reasoning behind it. 


We do now, and the very essence of the truth, its importance and the values of the legal system Tim Robbins character was so enraged about and in doing so puts us at the very centre of the issues humanity has created and must be held accountable for, so as to prove to Mother Nature we are a species capable of cohabitating with the correct intention. 






Li-Fi - WikipediaLi-Fi - Wikipedia 


Li-Fi (also written as LiFi) is a wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data and position between devices. The term was first introduced by Harald Haas during a 2011 TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh.[1]

Li-Fi is a light communication system that is capable of transmitting data at high speeds over the visible lightultraviolet, and infrared spectrums. In its present state, only LED lamps can be used for the transmission of data in visible light.[2]

In terms of its end user, the technology is similar to Wi-Fi — the key technical difference being that Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to induce an electric tension in an antenna to transmit data, whereas Li-Fi uses the modulation of light intensity to transmit data. Li-Fi is able to function in areas otherwise susceptible to electromagnetic interference (e.g. aircraft cabins, hospitals, or the military).[3]

Li-Fi is a derivative of optical wireless communications (OWC) technology, which uses light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a medium to deliver network, mobile, high-speed communication in a similar manner to Wi-Fi.[4] The Li-Fi market was projected to have a compound annual growth rate of 82% from 2013 to 2018 and to be worth over $6 billion per year by 2018.[5] However, the market has not developed as such and Li-Fi remains with a niche market.[6]

Visible light communications (VLC) work by switching the current to the LEDs off and on at a very high speed, beyond the human eye's ability to notice.[7] Technologies that allow roaming between various Li-Fi cells, also known as handover, may allow to seamlessly transition between Li-Fi. The light waves cannot penetrate walls which translates to a much shorter range, and a lower hacking potential, relative to Wi-Fi.[8][9] Direct line of sight is not always necessary for Li-Fi to transmit a signal and light reflected off walls can achieve 70 Mbit/s.[10][11]

Li-Fi can potentially be useful in electromagnetic sensitive areas without causing electromagnetic interference.[8][12][9] Both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi transmit data over the electromagnetic spectrum, but whereas Wi-Fi utilizes radio waves, Li-Fi uses visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light. [13] Researchers have reached data rates of over 224 Gbit/s,[14] which was much faster than typical fast broadband in 2013.[15][16] Li-Fi is expected to be ten times cheaper than Wi-Fi.[17] The first commercially available Li-Fi system was presented at the 2014 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.


Although Li-Fi LEDs would have to be kept on to transmit data, they could be dimmed to below human visibility while still emitting enough light to carry data.[17] This is also a major bottleneck of the technology when based on the visible spectrum, as it is restricted to the illumination purpose and not ideally adjusted to a mobile communication purpose, given that other sources of light, for example the sun, will interfere with the signal.[18]

Since Li-Fi's short wave range is unable to penetrate walls, transmitters would need to installed in every room of a building to ensure even Li-Fi distribution. The high installation costs associated with this requirement to achieve a level of practicality of the technology is one of the potential downsides.[5][7][19]

Formal Contact Request 


Fri 04/08/2023 16:53

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Dear Sir, 


I hope this finds you well.


It would be my honour to connect with you to ask a question regarding the LiFi construct. 


Could the PSOA / C8 chemical compound be used as an antenna for the light-based data transference, thus the Elon Musk "Chip inserted into the brain" theory? 


Thank you in advance for your assistance 




Damian and The Children of the World


The poison found in everyone, even unborn babies – and who is responsible for it | Rob Bilott | The Guardian


The poison found in everyone, even unborn babies – and who is responsible for it

This article is more than 2 years old

Rob Bilott

Chemicals called PFAS and PFOS – known as forever chemicals – are in the blood of virtually every person on the planet. And they will only accumulate

Thu 17 Dec 2020 11.16 GMT

Imagine that a small group of people coordinated the intentional manufacture and release of a lethal poison – and imagine they knew this poison had special properties that meant, once released into the world, it would be inevitable that it would make its way into the blood of virtually every person on the planet, even babies in their mother’s womb, and stay there, like a ticking time bomb.

Well, that “ticking time bomb” waiting to explode into serious, even fatal, disease is not a fictional device from some doomsday thriller; it is real, it is inside virtually all of us, right now. Tick, tick, tick.

And we know exactly who is responsible. For a long time, powerful corporate interests succeeded in keeping this heinous, brazen, and ongoing public health threat hidden from regulators, from scientists, and from the public. But it is now a matter of public record that these people knew the potential for harm and grave threat to human life, and continued anyway.

The only reason the world knows anything about this today is because, in 1998, Earl Tennant, a courageous farmer from West Virginia, came to me demanding answers. His cattle were dying in droves and he was certain the trouble stemmed from the white foaming crud defiling his creek where his cattle drank. Something was efficiently killing off not only his cattle but also the deer and other wildlife. Earl wanted answers and I wanted to help him. Neither of us could have fathomed just how bad or how deep this really went.

Getting the answers required over two decades of litigation, continuing to this day. But like the cattle and other animals on his farm, Earl would not survive long enough to get all his answers. The dark secrets deliberately withheld from Earl about his creek and his dying cows, went far beyond his property line. The poison flowing into Earl’s creek was also leaching into the drinking water of 70,000 of his neighbors, but no one was being told a thing. And this was just the tip of the iceberg. In secret, the poison had in fact streamed all across the country, and into the bloodstreams of virtually every American.

Studies are now raising concerns that some of these forever chemicals may negatively impact our immune system – and possibly even the efficacy of vaccines

This man-made poison, called PFOA, brought us the magic of Teflon, the convenience of non-stick, and an array of stain and water-resistant products that revolutionized our homes and our lives forever. Internally, top company scientists had been studying its toxicity for decades. And there had been alarm bells after alarm bells: cancer in lab animals; cancer in exposed workers; birth deformities in offspring of exposed lab animals – even, unconscionably, in babies of exposed workers. The unique properties of PFOA, and its close chemical cousin, PFOS (used in an equally dizzying assortment of products, from Scotchgard to certain firefighting foams) make them incredibly persistent: they last for an unusually long time in our bloodstreams, where they accumulate. And they last virtually forever in our environment. That’s why they are dubbed “forever chemicals”.

And the effects of this poison coursing through our veins can be devastating and wide-ranging. Scientists have confirmed links between PFOA exposure and a variety of serious diseases, including kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. And more recent studies are now raising concerns that some of these forever chemicals may negatively impact our endocrine system, our fertility, and our immune system – and possibly even the efficacy of vaccines. Frightening news, indeed, when we are all trying to fight off a worldwide pandemic and need our vaccines to be as effective as possible.

It took years for me to pull on the threads that would eventually unspool all the secrets. Frankly, I was shaken to the core by what was exposed, yet I understood why the stakes were sky high for those seeking to hide the truth. Why it was a fight to the death to keep a lid on their secrets – and equally high stakes for those who had jumped into their deep pockets. Still, the truth won out.

So now, as we struggle to live through a once-in-a-century pandemic, there is, in fact, another global public health threat bearing down upon all of us, though few know of it or realize its risk. And this threat, unlike Covid-19, is of a scope and scale without precedent in human history.

Those who have learned about this other, still obscure health threat (the poisoning, not the virus) and who comprehend the urgency, all ask me the same question: how is it that almost all of us have this poison in our blood, and it is still not a world-wide story – and how is it possible that the companies who did this are not being held responsible? This is a question I cannot answer.

Why is a nation and a world so outraged by lead in the water of Flint taking this one lying down? This is poisoning not only the drinking water in one American city, but countless cities all over the world – and the ground water, surface waters, soils, and vegetation. It’s a poison that can last forever in our environment and is now circulating in the blood of almost every human and living creature on the planet, for this generation and generations to come. Unless we act. Quickly, and decisively.

We have seen through Covid-19 that wartime-style mobilization, huge in scope and scale, can be mounted against a mortal threat to the population. We have seen with our own eyes that this is possible. We must come together to shine our best science and leadership to learn and address the full extent of the threat to us and the damage to our environment and health posed by forever chemicals. And stop it – now.

Who should foot the bill for all of it? The companies who have been reaping billions in profits each year, for decades, from making and unleashing this lethal poison into the world, all the while knowing the grave health threat it posed to us and our children – but chose not to tell us.

Let us hold them accountable. These companies need to own up to what they have done and make it right. We must demand it. And we have the power and moral responsibility to make sure it happens, because our very lives depend on it, and for the sake of the entire planet – and everyone’s future.


Body area network

Body area network - Wikipedia


A body area network (BAN), also referred to as a wireless body area network (WBAN) or a body sensor network (BSN) or a medical body area network (MBAN), is a wireless network of wearable computing devices.[1][2][3][4][5] BAN devices may be embedded inside the body as implants or pills,[6] may be surface-mounted on the body in a fixed position, or may be accompanied devices which humans can carry in different positions, such as in clothes pockets, by hand, or in various bags.[7] While there is a trend toward the miniaturization of devices, in particular body area networks which consist of several miniaturized body sensor units (BSUs) together with a single body central unit (BCU),[8] larger decimeter (tab and pad) sized smart devices still play an important role in terms of acting as a data hub or data gateway and providing a user interface to view and manage BAN applications, in-situ. The development of WBAN technology started around 1995 around the idea of using wireless personal area network (WPAN) technologies to implement communications on, near, and around the human body. About six years later, the term "BAN" came to refer to systems where communication is entirely within, on, and in the immediate proximity of a human body.[9][10] A WBAN system can use WPAN wireless technologies as gateways to reach longer ranges. Through gateway devices, it is possible to connect the wearable devices on the human body to the internet. This way, medical professionals can access patient data online using the internet independent of the patient location.[11]


The rapid growth in physiological sensors, low-power integrated circuits, and wireless communication has enabled a new generation of wireless sensor networks, now used for purposes such as monitoring traffic, crops, infrastructure, and health. The body area network field is an interdisciplinary area which could allow inexpensive and continuous health monitoring with real-time updates of medical records through the Internet. A number of intelligent physiological sensors can be integrated into a wearable wireless body area network, which can be used for computer-assisted rehabilitation or early detection of medical conditions. This area relies on the feasibility of implanting very small biosensors inside the human body that are comfortable and that don't impair normal activities. The implanted sensors in the human body will collect various physiological changes in order to monitor the patient's health status no matter their location. The information will be transmitted wirelessly to an external processing unit. This device will instantly transmit all information in real time to the doctors throughout the world. If an emergency is detected, the physicians will immediately inform the patient through the computer system by sending appropriate messages or alarms. Currently, the level of information provided and energy resources capable of powering the sensors are limiting. While the technology is still in its primitive stage it is being widely researched and once adopted, is expected to be a breakthrough invention in healthcare, leading to concepts like telemedicine and MHealth becoming real.


Initial applications of BANs are expected to appear primarily in the healthcare domain, especially for continuous monitoring and logging vital parameters of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetesasthma and heart attacks.

  • A BAN in place on a patient can alert the hospital, even before they have a heart attack, through measuring changes in their vital signs.

  • A BAN on a diabetic patient could auto inject insulin through a pump, as soon as their insulin level declines.

  • A BAN can be used, to learn the underlying health state transitions and dynamics of a disease[5]

Other applications of this technology include sports, military, or security. Extending the technology to new areas could also assist communication by seamless exchanges of information between individuals, or between individuals and machines.


The latest international standard for BANs is the IEEE 802.15.6 standard.[12]


A typical BAN or BSN requires vital sign monitoring sensors, motion detectors (through accelerometers) to help identify the location of the monitored individual and some form of communication, to transmit vital sign and motion readings to medical practitioners or care givers. A typical body area network kit will consist of sensors, a Processor, a transceiver and a battery. Physiological sensors, such as ECG and SpO2 sensors, have been developed. Other sensors such as a blood pressure sensor, EEG sensor and a PDA for BSN interface are under development.[13]

Wireless communication in the U.S.[edit]

The FCC has approved the allocation of 40 MHz of spectrum bandwidth for medical BAN low-power, wide-area radio links at the 2360–2400 MHz band. This will allow off-loading MBAN communication from the already saturated standard Wi-Fi spectrum to a standard band.[14]

The 2360–2390 MHz frequency range is available on a secondary basis. The FCC will expand the existing Medical Device Radiocommunication (MedRadio) Service in Part 95 of its rules. MBAN devices using the band will operate under a 'license-by-rule' basis which eliminates the need to apply for individual transmitter licenses. Usage of the 2360–2390 MHz frequencies are restricted to indoor operation at health-care facilities and are subject to registration and site approval by coordinators to protect aeronautical telemetry primary usage. Operation in the 2390–2400 MHz band is not subject to registration or coordination and may be used in all areas including residential.[15]


Problems with the use of this technology could include:

  • Data Quality: Data generated and collected through BANs can play a key role in the patient care process. It is essential that the quality of this data is of a high standard to ensure that the decisions made are based on the best information possible

  • Data Management: As BANs generate large volumes of data, the need to manage and maintain these datasets is of utmost importance.[16]

  • Sensor Validation: Pervasive sensing devices are subject to inherent communication and hardware constraints including unreliable wired/wireless network links, interference and limited power reserves. This may result in erroneous datasets being transmitted back to the end user. It is of the utmost importance especially within a healthcare domain that all sensor readings are validated. This helps to reduce false alarm generation and to identify possible weaknesses within the hardware and software design.

  • Data Consistency: Data residing on multiple mobile devices and wireless patient notes need to be collected and analysed in a seamless fashion. Within body area networks, vital patient datasets may be fragmented over a number of nodes and across a number of networked PCs or Laptops. If a medical practitioner's mobile device does not contain all known information then the quality of patient care may degrade.

  • Security: Considerable effort would be required to make WBAN transmission secure and accurate. It would have to be made sure that the patient secure data is only derived from each patient's dedicated WBAN system and is not mixed up with other patient's data. Further, the data generated from WBAN should have secure and limited access. Although security is a high priority in most networks, little study has been done in this area for WBANs. As WBANs are resource-constrained in terms of power, memory, communication rate and computational capability, security solutions proposed for other networks may not be applicable to WBANs. Confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and freshness of data together with availability and secure management are the security requirements in WBAN. The IEEE 802.15.6 standard, which is latest standard for WBAN, tried to provide security in WBAN. However, it has several security problems.[17]

  • Interoperability: WBAN systems would have to ensure seamless data transfer across standards such as BluetoothZigbee etc. to promote information exchange, plug and play device interaction. Further, the systems would have to be scalable, ensure efficient migration across networks and offer uninterrupted connectivity.

  • System devices: The sensors used in WBAN would have to be low on complexity, small in form factor, light in weight, power efficient, easy to use and reconfigurable. Further, the storage devices need to facilitate remote storage and viewing of patient data as well as access to external processing and analysis tools via the Internet.

  • Energy vs. accuracy: Sensors' activation policy should be determined to optimizing the trade-off between the BAN's power consumption versus the probability of patient's health state mis-classification. High power consumption often results in more accurate observations on the patient's health state and vice versa.[18]

  • Invasion of privacy: People might consider the WBAN technology as a potential threat to freedom, if the applications go beyond "secure" medical usage. Social acceptance would be key to this technology finding a wider application.

  • Interference: The wireless link used for body sensors should reduce the interference and increase the coexistence of sensor node devices with other network devices available in the environment. This is especially important for large scale implementation of WBAN systems.[9][19]

  • Cost: Today's consumers expect low cost health monitoring solutions which provide high functionality. WBAN implementations will need to be cost optimized to be appealing alternatives to health conscious consumers.

  • Constant monitoring: Users may require different levels of monitoring, for example those at risk of cardiac ischemia may want their WBANs to function constantly, while others at risk of falls may only need WBANs to monitor them while they are walking or moving. The level of monitoring influences the amount of energy required and the life cycle of the BAN before the energy source is depleted.[5][18]

  • Constrained deployment: The WBAN needs to be wearable, lightweight and non intrusive. It should not alter or encumber the user's daily activities. The technology should ultimately be transparent to the user i.e., it should perform its monitoring tasks without the user realising it.

  • Consistent performance: The performance of the WBAN should be consistent. Sensor measurements should be accurate and calibrated, even when the WBAN is switched off and switched on again.[20] The wireless links should be robust and work under various user environments.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "IEEE 802.15 WPAN Task Group 6 Body Area Networks"Archived from the original on 2018-03-25. Retrieved 2011-02-03.

  2. ^ Ullah, S.; Higgins, H.; Braem, B.; Latre, B.; Blondia, C.; Moerman, I.; Saleem, S.; Rahman, Z.; Kwak, K. S. (2012). "A Comprehensive Survey of Wireless Body Area Networks: On PHY, MAC, and Network Layers Solutions". Journal of Medical Systems. 36 (3): 1065–1094. doi:10.1007/s10916-010-9571-3hdl:1854/LU-3234782PMID 20721685S2CID 7988320.

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  9. Jump up to:a b M. R. Yuce (2010). "Implementation of wireless body area networks for healthcare systems". Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 162 (1): 116–129. CiteSeerX

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  11. ^ M. R. Yuce & J. Y. Khan (2011). Yuce, Mehmet R & Khan, Jamil (eds.). "Wireless Body Area Networks: Technology, Implementation, and Applications". Pan Stanford Publishing. doi:10.1201/b11522ISBN 9780429184932Archived from the original on January 17, 2023. Retrieved April 28, 2017.

  12. ^ "IEEE P802.15.6-2012 Standard for Wireless Body Area Networks"Archived from the original on 2018-01-19. Retrieved 2015-03-12.

  13. ^ "Body Sensor Networks"Archived from the original on 2009-12-16. Retrieved 2010-08-12.

  14. ^ "'Body Area Networks' should free hospital bandwidth, untether patients – Computerworld". 2012-06-04. Archived from the original on 2013-06-19. Retrieved 2012-06-06.

  15. ^ "FCC Dedicates Spectrum Enabling Medical Body Area Networks |"Archived from the original on 2012-05-30. Retrieved 2012-06-06.

  16. ^ Healthcare Sensor Networks Challenges Toward Practical Implementation. CRC Press. 19 April 2016. ISBN 9781000755701Archived from the original on 17 January 2023. Retrieved 11 June 2021.

  17. ^ Toorani, Mohsen (2015). "On Vulnerabilities of the Security Association in the IEEE 802.15.6 Standard". Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 8976. pp. 245–260. arXiv:1501.02601doi:10.1007/978-3-662-48051-9_18ISBN 978-3-662-48050-2.

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